Monday, June 15, 2015

Portraits || Surprise!

Back in February, an idea came into my head. It was something that I wasn't sure I could pull off. I LOVE doing surprises, but I wasn't sure if this was something I could possibly do.

My mom has been asking for photos of all of us (her kids) for about 2 years now. And not that long before this idea came, she finally got her "family" picture wall going. Which is what inspired this idea.

Her birthday is this month (June) and so I talked to my husband about it, and he was all for it.

Then, I contacted my siblings to see if we can put this into action.

Portraits of everyone and give them to her for her birthday.

Well, in the month of May, we put it in action.

I was super excited at this point because nothing was standing in our way now. The pictures were done! The hardest part was to wait until we gave them to her.

Sure enough, not that long before her birthday party (I think it was about a week before) she called me and told me she wanted a family portrait of all of us at the party. It was SUPER hard to get through that conversation without spilling the beans, but I said okay. 

When the party came, she was surprised. And I think she loved it. Here's some photos!

Opening the gifts:

Some teasers of the photos:

Family portrait from the party:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lawrence & Beth || Skagit County, WA

Meet Lawrence and Beth.

They are a lovely husband and wife. They got married June 11, 2011. They have been in each other's lives for 20 or so years. It took them awhile, but they got married. They are so full of love. This was such a fun shoot. Thank you, for being awesome clients.

This session was with my friend, Cheri of Cheri Shope Photography. I do not have any of her photos to add in with this, but I wanted to give a shout out to her. She did an amazing job as well! I did however, snap a photo of her in action! Here it is!

I hope you enjoy this session!